Get rid of chaos and get in control

Get suggested KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to follow-up your Goals.

Setting & Clarifying goals and who's-who-doing-what will be a breeze.

Never be vulnerable, or in doubt, again.

Designed to make reporting progress back to you effortless.

How to see if we're a fit for eachother:

QEIQ SMART Goals / KPI reporting & overview

What we do

Research on Goal & KPI Communication & Reporting

At Chalmers University of Technology, we are conducting research within Business Communication in the area of measuring KPIs – Key Performance Indicators and improving internal communication about the goals and objectives of a business with regards to follow-up of its processes and functions.

Consulting help with KPIs & Goal set up

With our expertise in Goals & KPIs, we help CEOs, Boards & operations-management to define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on every company's own specific conditions and Industry benchmarks and we help set up a clear, results-oriented follow-up system.

The objective is to have a clear overview over all the objectives per function and their current status for board, management and all other affected.

System for follow-up & Dashboard

We use the extensive knowledge within Goals and KPI-followup to set up simple to use web-based reporting systems that can be connected even to automatically retrieve data for down to day-to-day follow-up of your most important KPIs.

About us

Principal Researcher: Fleur Ait Grain

My work passion is clear and results-oriented communication. My unusual background is spanning from logic (mathematics & programming) to business communication, marketing, languages and pedagogy. The cross-fertilization makes it easier for me to tell the small differences which will tell winning from loosing ideas.

I have carried out research on how Goals and KPIs are best followed-up among 4200 business leaders (all Swedish companies ranging from small of 10 people up to large of 20 000).

Expertise: Consulting, Communication, Marketing

M Sc in Business Communication